
International Urban Project Award

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IUPA - International Urban Project Award advanced by Wa Beijing and Bauwelt Berlin

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IUPA - International Urban Project Award advanced by Wa Beijing and Bauwelt Berlin

The International Urban Project Award (IUPA) is presented by Bauwelt (Berlin) and World Architecture Magazine (WA, Tsinghua University Beijing) and supported by BAU China, Messe München, and the Architecture Society of China (ASC). The award recognizes new and outstanding urban and architectural projects that have transformed cities worldwide.

It focuses on the interface between architecture and urban space and is dedicated to the impact of buildings, urban design and landscape architecture on the city; how built projects activate public space and the development of urban neighborhoods.

Announcement and guidelines 2024

Results and publications of previous editions:

IUPA 2024

IUPA 2021

IUPA 2020

IUPA 2019


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